Course Substitutions

There should not be any course substitution for the Foundation program.  For some students, fulfilling the requirements of the Foundation program may not be possible in the same manner as other students without disabilities.   The ARD committee (which you are a part of) or the 504 committee will determine if your child cannot complete the Language Other than English (LOTE) or Physical Education (PE) requirements.

A credit allowed to be substituted for the LOTE or PE credits may NOT be used to satisfy any other graduation credit requirement.

Options for Languages Other Than English (TEC 28.025 (b-14)(1))

  • After completing the first language course, if it appears your child cannot successfully complete a second year, they may take a course in a second language, a Special Topics in Language/Culture Course, another computer programming course, or take World History Studies or World Geography;
  • Substitute two courses from English, math, science, or social studies; or
  • Substitute two courses in career and technology education (CTE) or technology applications.

Options for Physical Education (TEC 28.024 (b-11))

  • One credit in English Language Arts, mathematics, science, or social studies
  • A locally  designed course that meets the state criteria for substitution under state law, or
  • One academic credit elective for the physical education requirement if the ARD committee determines that your child is unable to participate in physical activity.

Additional Resources:

Course of Study


Texas Education Agency – Graduation Toolkit and Commissioner Rules on Foundation program

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