It is important to understand there is a difference between participating in the graduation ceremony vs. actually graduating from high school. Parents are often confused by this. If your child is returning for services next year, your child has NOT graduated yet.
Many parents think their children with disabilities are required to stay in school until age 21 (Have not turned age 22 by Sept. 1) . Remember the reason a student stays in school after 4 years of high school should be based on a “need” for related or special education services to complete their Individualized Education Program. The need should be determined by the ARD Committee, which includes your child and you, and should be based on data or evaluations.

Also, remember to consider your child’s wish to stay or graduate when making decisions. Balance those with any opportunities that are available in the community. Sometimes your child may benefit more from moving on to adult life.
What would you do if your child did not have a disability?
Would you wait until after graduation to research opportunities for your child?
We hope not.
Therefore, it is important to begin doing your own research well BEFORE graduation by contacting parent organizations, post-secondary institutions, community providers, etc. to learn more about what is available in your community or around the state of Texas. Each program will have its own requirements to access services. Whether it is disability support services at a university or training services at a day program, you will need to ensure that your child has the skills needed to participate.
Confused as to what your child should be working on? These documents may offer some ideas:
- Next Steps to Independence Skills & Strategies (pdf)
- Charting the Life Course – Experiences and Questions (pdf download)
- Charting the Life Course – Focus on Transition to Adulthood (pdf download)
Ultimately, it is up to you, working in collaboration with the school, to ensure that when the time comes your graduate is ready to make the ultimate change of placement – to further education, employment and independent living.

Creating A Plan for the Future
Excellect Online Training on 18+ Programs from the Student Centered Transition Network
Transition Planning – Should provide a guide for where a child is going after High School
Graduation Participation – Your child may have participated in graduation and is now continuing services
Graduation Options for students with Disabilities – Graduate by IEP or Age out of the System
Social Security – Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Work Incentives