Accommodations for students with disabilities are very different from curriculum modifications. Accommodations change how content is accessed or tested. What your child is expected to learn does NOT change.
Modifications change the level of learning, or what your child is expected to master. Modifications are usually documented through IEP Goals.

Center for Parent Information and Resources:
Accommodation Central – A search tool from Region 13 helps you find accommodations based on the student’s academic or functional needs. There is also a Learning Library.
Center for Parent Information and Resources:
Inclusion in Texas Network –
Accommodation Companion Guides
Accessibility Tools
UDL Implementation Guide
Region 10 Dyslexia Accommodations
National Center on Accessible Educational Materials (AEM)
National Center on Universal Design For Learning – CAST
Texas Education Agency:
- Accommodation Resources
- Accessible Instructional Materials
- Resources for Teachers By Disability (Includes Instructional strategies and accommodations)
Texas Project FIRST Technology Resources Accommodations vs Modifications
In order to access accommodations in college/university – it is necessary for the student to register with the Office of Disability Services. It is best to visit with the Office of Disability Services BEFORE a student makes a decision about a particular college/university. Each university has different requirements to receive accommodations and students will need to know what is required BEFORE they start classes.
College Board Accommodations & Ensuring Accommodations on SAT/ACT
Texas Success Initiative 2 (TSIA2) or Industry Based Certifications (IBC) accommodations allowable for students receiving Section 504 or Special education services.
Educational Testing Services – Test Takers with Disabilities (How to request, common accommodations, Request 4-6 weeks required BEFORE testing) Types of Accommodations in College