Sensory Integration Resources

Texas Education Agency resources related to Sensory Integration:


Child Mind Institute – This website has an article on How Sensory Processing Issues Impact Kids in School

Developmental Delay Resources – The DDR website is dedicated to meeting the needs of children with developmental delays in sensory, motor, language, social, and emotional areas.  See Diagnosis: Sensory Integration and Processing Disorder and Treatment: Occupational Therapy/Sensory Integration for links to articles from issues of the quarterly DDR Newsletter, New Developments,that are relevant to this topic.

Dr. Jed Baker – Jed Baker, Ph.D., is the director of the Social Skills Training Project. His website provides links to his books on Social Skills and Transition to Adult life, resources, and an app that is a companion to his book, No More Meltdowns.

Out Of Sync Child – This is the website of Carol Stock Kranowitz, who has published and written many books on Sensory Processing Disorder for parents, educators and children.  Here you can find links to webinars, articles and other resources related to Sensory Processing Disorder.

SI Global Network – SIGN is a web-based organization dedicated to protecting the integrity and promoting the work of Dr. A. Jean Ayres in Sensory Integration Theory and Intervention.  Resources for parents include Sensory Systems, Signs of SI Dysfunction, How Can I Help My Child?, and Strategies.

SPD Support – SPD Support is an international network of volunteer Support Hosts formed in order to share information, resources, awareness and support to families that are affected by sensory processing disorder.

Star Institute for Sensory Processing – STAR Institute for SPD provides premier treatment, education, and research for children, adolescents, and adults with SPD. This website offers many free resources for parents and professionals.

The Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation – \”In the Clinic with Dr. A. Jean Ayres\” is a Youtube video created by The SPD Foundation.  This online learning opportunity provides insight to and understanding about Sensory Processing Disorder.

Understood – This website, developed for parents of children with learning and attention issues, has a long list of articles related to Sensory Processing Issues.

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