How do I know if my child is eligible for services?
Within 30 calendar days of completing the full initial and independent evaluation, the ARD committee (this includes parents) will meet to discuss the evaluation report.
The evaluation report will tell the ARD committee, determine if your child is eligible to receive special education or related services. You child will be considered eligible if the report finds that:
- Your child has a disability, AND
- As a result of the disability, your child needs special education services or related services to benefit from education.
The evaluation report will make recommendations on services and supports needed. The next step will be for the ARD committee to develop a program of supports and services. This is called the Individual Education Program, or IEP.
If your child is eligible for services, you have the option to schedule an ARD planning conference with the school before the actual ARD meeting. At this planning conference you will have an opportunity to discuss and clarify information on the evaluations, the special education process and possible goals for your child.
You should expect to receive a notice about the ARD/IEP meeting at least five school days before the meeting date.
At the ARD meeting, your child’s Individual Education program will be written. Most importantly, the IEP will include academic and functional goals. It will also include the strategies that will be used to reach those goals. Once the goals and strategies are agreed upon by everyone at the ARD/IEP meeting, the type of instruction and services your child will receive will be decided.

Issues Related to Eligibility for Students with Autism – Texas Statewide Leadership for Students with Autism