Auditory Impairment (Deaf/Hard of Hearing)
Texas Education Agency resources related to Services to Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing:

- Tips for Remote Learning for students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
- Texas Education Agency – Services to Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
- Texas School for the Deaf – Provides a continuum of direct educational services to students, ages zero through twenty-one, who are deaf or hard of hearing and who may have multiple disabilities. TSD is also directed to serve as a statewide educational resource center on deafness, providing a variety of educational services to families, students, programs and professionals throughout the state working with persons who are deaf or hard of hearing.
- Statewide Outreach Center – An outreach program of the Texas School for the Deaf, ERCOD works collaboratively with a variety of agencies, programs, and schools across Texas to create a network of information, services, and support designed to meet the needs of deaf and hard of hearing students, their families, and the professionals who serve them. / Crossroads – This online resource is a collaborative effort between ESC 11’s Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services and the Educational Resource Center on Deafness (ERCOD) at Texas School for the Deaf. Both programs provide statewide services to improve educational outcomes for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Services are for three primary audiences: the students, their families, and the professionals who serve them.
- Deaf or Hard of Hearing – Region 11 ESC
- Region 13 ESC – Videos for families and educators on various topics related to supporting students with hearing loss in the classroom.
- Deaf/Hard of Hearing: Program Improvement and Instructional Resources (Region 20 ESC) – This blog spot provides quick links to help parents and school personnel locate national, state, and regional resources developed to improve outcomes for students who are deaf or hard of hearing
- Sensory Impairments and Specific Learning Disabilities (pdf)
- The Legal Framework for the Child Centered Special Education Process (Region 18 ESC) – Search for Deaf or Hard of Hearing in the list of Special Factors
American Sign Language Dictionary – This website offers over 1270 terms with animated and text definitions.
American Sign Language Browser – Michigan State University\’s ASL Browser web site, an online American Sign Language (ASL) browser where you can look up video of thousands of ASL signs and learn interesting things about them
American Society for Deaf Children – The web site of the American Society for Deaf Children whose purpose is “providing support, encouragement, and information to families raising children who are deaf or hard of hearing.”
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – This site provides information on hearing loss in children, data & statistics, as well as many free materials, including a Parents Guide to Hearing Loss.
Center for Parent Information and Resources – Resources on a wide range of special education topics, including a fact sheet on Deafness and Hearing Loss and A Checklist for IEP Teams: Considering Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
DeafTEC – DeafTEC: Technological Education Center for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students serves as a resource for high schools and community colleges that educate deaf and hard-of-hearing students in STEM-related programs (science, technology, engineering and math) and for employers hiring deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals.
Deaf Linx – Provides resources for information on deafness, deaf culture, American Sign Language (ASL) and all other related topics.
Described and Captioned Media Program – Funded by the US Dept. of Education to promote and provide equal access to communication and learning for students who are blind, visually impaired, deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind. Free-loan described and captioned educational media is available; a clearinghouse of information; as well as a gateway to various internet resources.
Family Signs (“Señas para la Familia”- en Español con Google translator en el sitio) – A program offered through the Educational Resource Center on Deafness at Texas School for the Deaf. Family Signs offers free, online American Sign Language (ASL) or Signing Exact English (SEE) classes for parents/guardians of deaf and hard of hearing students in Texas.
Gallaudet University Regional Center – South – Gallaudet University’s Regional Centers offer professional studies and extension courses, training programs, workshops, conferences, and technical assistance to address the educational, transition, and professional development needs of deaf and hard of hearing people, their family members, educators and professionals. The Regional Center – South is located at Austin Community College – Riverside Campus in Austin.
Hands & Voices – This is a national non-profit, parent-driven organization dedicated to supporting families of children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Their website features many recommended resources and downloadable documents, including: The IEP Checklist: Recommended Accommodations and Modification for Students with Hearing Loss (pdf from C.D. Johnson & J. Seaton, Educational Audiology Handbook, 2nd Edition (2011), Cengage-Delmar Learning).
Handspeak – A subscription based website consisting of American Sign Language (ASL) online dictionary and lessons, as well as other visual and sign languages.
Hearing Loss Association of America – HLAA provides assistance and resources for people with hearing loss and their families to learn how to adjust to living with hearing loss. This website features a directory of state and local HLAA chapters.
Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing – This is the website of the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and the AG Bell Academy for Listening and Spoken Language. Here you can find resources on hearing loss, language development, and assistive hearing technology, advocacy, and other important information for individuals with hearing loss, their families, and professionals.
National Association of the Deaf – This is the web site of the National Association of the Deaf, a non-profit organization “safeguarding the accessibility and civil rights of 28 million deaf and hard of hearing Americans in education, employment, health care, and telecommunications.”
National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes – NDC is a technical assistance and dissemination center funded by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). Here you can find resources on transition and other relevant topics for individuals who are deaf, deafblind, deafdisabled, hard of hearing, or late deafened.
National Disability Institute – Deaf & Hard of Hearing Resources
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) – Opening Doors: Technology and Communication Options for Children with Hearing Loss provides background on early intervention, the use of technology and other supports available to children and their families.
Project IDEAL – A website devoted to providing teacher preparation, but a good resource for families. They have specific online training modules on Managing Behavior. This project also offers a definition & characteristics of those with Hearing Impairments.
Signing Savvy – Signing Savvy is a sign language dictionary containing several thousand high resolution videos of American Sign Language (ASL) signs, fingerspelled words, and other common signs used within the United States and Canada.
Specialized Telecommunications Assistance Program (STAP) – This voucher program provides financial assistance to Texans with disabilities that interfere with access to the telephone networks for the purchase of specialized assistive equipment or services. STAP is a program of Texas Health & Human Services.
Statement App – This communication app enables the user to type a short message that can be read across the room.
Texas Association of the Deaf – TAD is “a membership organization to provide information and education including surveys and studies to bring the viewpoint on various issues affecting the lives of people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing at all levels of the community. TXAD also helps to ensure communication accessibility in our state, counties, and cities…”
Texas Guide By Your Side™ – A family support program that provides unbiased support to families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing. This program is offered through a partnership between Texas Hand & Voices and the Educational Resource Center on Deafness (ERCOD).
Texas Hands and Voices – TX H&V offers support, information and resources in an unbiased manner to families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Here you can find information about the Hands & Voices Advocacy, Support and Training (ASTRA) Program and the O.U.R. Children\’s Safety Project. Their resource page links to a wide range of resources on the national H&V website as well as to Texas resources. Click here for Spanish.
Texas Health & Human Services – The Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS) works in partnership with people who are deaf or hard of hearing to eliminate societal and communication barriers to improve equal access for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. DHHS advocates for people of all ages who are deaf or hard of hearing to enable them to express their freedoms, participate in society to their individual potential, and reduce their isolation regardless of location, socioeconomic status, or degree of disability.
The ASL App -Teaches conversational ASL.